The struggles of this Giant Leopard Moth (Hypercompe scribonia) are almost too difficult to watch. While its amazing to see one of these creatures. . .this one is struggling to lay its eggs before dying. I can hardly watch and felt a bit guilty for invading its space, on day two of its visit here. I empathize with her struggle and want to bring her inside for safety. . .but I know I should not intervene.

Notice that the wings are falling apart. . . and eggs are stuck to one foot.

Colloquially she is referred to as the Great Leopard Moth, the Giant Leopard Moth, and the Eyed Tiger Moth. Her range is to Ontario, Canada.

Eggs line the fence rail. . .not a good place for them, much less the time. This moth's normal flight is April - September. It should have been overwintering as a caterpillar. . .but likely became confused by our bizarre hot-the-cold-then-hot weather.

Tonight's freeze will kill both the moth and the eggs. So for now I'm leaving her be. . . having captured many photos of her struggle. She is one of the most beautiful moths I've witnessed in years.

Another shot of the many eggs she laid overnight. Last night I thought she was emitting chemical defense against a perceived predator (me). Today it is clear she was laying eggs. Most heart-breaking is the knowledge that even were the eggs to survive the freeze and the caterpillars to hatch. . .there is nothing for them to eat. . .and likely there won't be a viable food source for them for a number of weeks . . .after our back-to-back freezing weather tonight, tomorrow, and Thursday.

Her caterpillars would be red-orange with black hair. . .but unlike the familiar Oleander Worm (also orange with black hair), her offspring do not carry toxin in their hairs.

The underbelly is a brilliant orange and blue. I borrowed this image from, choosing to not attempt to photograph her belly myself. Read more about this creature at: Butterflies and Moths of North America: or Bug Guide .Net


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