The last of the August sunflowers are blooming. I'm slowly digging them up and trying to replant in order to have sunflowers for Halloween. I need the new seed in the ground before the end of August in order to have blooms by Oct. 31.  Most sunflowers require 60 days sprout-to-bloom.  Weather is not cooperating, however.  Hot and dry continues across east Central Florida.

All of the organizations that perform long-range hurricane forecasts are still calling for an active 2013 Atlantic hurricane season.  NOAA forecasts an above-normal and possibly very active season in 2013 in their August 8 Outlook Update.  The outlook indicates a 70% chance of an above-normal season.  The tropics will need to moisten considerably for us to see a start to the active part of the season which usually starts around August 15. . . and of course an active hurricane season doesn't necessarily mean that we will see any storms much less a return to normal rainfall.
