While we've had days of stormy weather it still looks like drought once one gets inland and looks at the lakes. There are a few puddles here and there but nothing more. The rain that has fallen has been very localized. Still, there is promise of more rain today and tomorrow so we're hopeful.

Is it real? An American Flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber) takes a leisurely walk on a deserted Florida beach. Truly a rare sight. . . both a deserted beach and an American Flamingo. I saw one of these guys flying with a Great White Heron or a Great Egret the other day but by the time I got the camera they were gone. I have no idea why they would be so far north. Their range is to the West Indies but there could be escapees in the area from Bush Gardens or Hialeah Race Track, Disney World, etc. Surely they are accidental visitors. . .

Below: I think these are laughing gulls. Their heads turn black in summer. I'm not positive but the call was something like "ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-haah-haah-haah". . . so I'd guess laughing gull (Larus atricilla). . . very aggressively begging for a handout.

Below: I think this is an immature Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias). Their colors are not pronounced when they're young and in the bright sunshine of July everything kind of washes out. . . add to that the reflection of sunlight off the water. . . but my best guess is Great Blue Heron teenager.

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