Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Eve

Above: The Pumpkin Head people after dark.

Above: Looking at the house from a little further back, there was plenty of kitschy Halloween decor going on.

We re-watched episodes of AMERICAN HORROR and THE WALKING DEAD, two of my favorite new shows (read more about THE WALKING DEAD at Phillip's Natural World II).

Above: Little (18 pound; 8.2 kg.) Ramone. He's uninterested in the holidays. He only wants to know what's for dinner.

Above: 19 pound (8.6 kg.) duPree. She is busy policing the house and doesn't care about anything else.

Above: Tiny Damien Roscoe Roth (DRR Tabby) is barely a handful. We rescued him from the woods a couple years back and he hasn't grown any bigger. The others pick on him so he lives a mostly solitary life in the master bedroom. I let the others in to visit a few times a day. . . but only supervised. I doubt he weighs more than about 5 pounds (2.27 kg.). I do not pick him up to weigh him. He is nervous and when lifted he digs in all of his claws. . . thus the name "Damien."

Above: The Monster Dell-Roy Jackson. The king of the house (or so he thinks). . . with a large Jack o' Lantern. Dell likes to sit atop the stove and wait for someone to walk by so he can grab them with his impressive claws. He weighs in at a whopping 22 pounds (10 kg.). Dell is another rescue who has continued to grow since moving inside.

Above: Some of the trees are starting to lose their leaves. . . so its starting to look a little like Fall, even if the temperature still says late Summer.

Tricksie had to go to the vet today, she started coughing over the weekend. We suspected congestive heart failure but it turned out she has tracheal stenosis. Because of her absence today -- and all the upset over that -- the dogs did not come out to celebrate this evening.

Below: The only blood-letting of the evening was when we went out to sew together one of the nets covering this large koi pond. It had been torn by a predator earlier in the day. The mosquitoes are unbelievable. I wear a hoodie, jeans, gloves. . . and still they manage to find my eyes and forehead. The temperatures are apparently perfect for them to multiply. Today topped out in the low 80°s F. (27° C.).



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